The Proactive Challenge

To get a different result we must try a different approach - The Proactive 24/7 approach!
6 Week Weightloss Challenge

There are a number of reasons for wanting to lose a little weight. Being overweight is both an indicator and a contributor to many health issues. From diabetes and heart disease, high blood pressure and the development of certain cancers the outcome of not taking action can be severe.

Quoting NZ Dietitian Caryn Zin more than 1/3 of NZ adults and 1 in 5 children on a global scale are are obese and both obesity and diabetes rates are climbing (What the fat, 2015)

For many the driving force might simply be to be in better shape because that makes us feel better – and that’s OK too:-)

Whatever the reason, there are a number of tools we can use to achieve a positive outcome.

As trainers, we help you to attain the body you are after through activities that promote better health and that can be used to maintain the result once you get there.

Small group HIIT sessions (High Intensity Interval Training) and longer resistance training and cardio, a LCHF (low carb healthy fat) eating plan and intermittent fasting combine to create change that is also sustainable.

On the Proactive Challenge we focus on Exercise and Nutrition, providing information and structure. Challengers are provided with a meal plan with focused training sessions.

Being a part of a group of like-minded individuals is a big part of the Proactive Challenge. We encourage people to take on the challenge with a friend or we buddy people up for 🙂

Our challengers consistently achieve excellent results. Taryn dropped 8.3kg and decreased her waist by more than 15cm! Well done Taryn!

We run a number of Challenges across the year. If you would like to get on board drop us a line:-)   

Proactive Trainers

We work in Health and Fitness and we play there too:-)

At the gym, out on our bikes, in the hills – we’re happiest when we’re moving.

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